Song and Pattern Mode

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Loading individual patterns Recording arpeggios to sequencer Getting started with patterns
Gate control arps in Song/Pattern SampleVoice problem if LOADMIX=off Copy Voice fx to Song/Pattern?
Pattern Chain skips when changing... Program changes in Patterns Drumkit outputs in song/pattern
Changing insert fx part with Sysex Pattern recording advice Recording performances (again)
"erase" button in song/pattern record mode Using preset phrases (pattern mode) Making drum patterns
Pattern chain bother Sequencer locators Playing along to a Song
Basic sequencer info. How to access Motif's demo Songs/Patterns Mutes in Mixing mode
Mix edits lost with pattern chain Pattern chain skips in one style? Extract event problem with long notes
Copied pattern can't be edited? Copy measure timing errors Editing/erasing specific events
Editing copied patterns looping tracks... confused about styles,sections...
sequencing sampled loops Making drum rolls Yum! Aftertouch in Songs/Patterns
Shift clock job... Real time mutes in pattern-chain? Recording tempo changes
Recording all tracks at once Pattern chain skips no copy measure job?
Recording arps Pattern patch--phrase copy Recording Performances ...more
Copying measures... Voices sound different in Song mode Chain skips...another way
Recording from another synth Pattern chain=Section chain? Getting started with sequencer
Overlapping patterns Peformances by program change? (no) "No Data" message
Converting Patterns to Song No aftertouch? Using .wav files in Songs
Copying more than one track... Converting sample changes Song Tempo Quantise & gate times
"Stuck" notes in Event Edit Pattern recording questions Automated fade in/out
A good Pattern Chain explanantion Sysex in Song tracks Using the A/D input
Sampling to a Song or Pattern Changing Voices in a Song Twiddly Bits midi files